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Helping Paws: Examining the World of Therapy Animals

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Animal-assisted therapy has been around for centuries, helping people in need from younger to older generations. This practice is derived from the studies of veterinary medicine, psychology, sociology, and psychiatry. It is used to help people with health issues such as heart problems, autism, cancer, traumatic injuries, and mental health conditions. Horses, dogs, and sometimes cats are used to provide relief, a sense of calmness/relaxation, and a distraction from any stressful situation in a person’s daily life. Animal therapy develops a strong human-animal bond that plays a crucial role in society. The human-animal bond begins a connection between a person and an animal that affects health and comfort.

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 Five Questions

What is Equine Therapy?

How does animal therapy help people with PTSD?

What is the process for training therapy horses?

What are the many rewards and challenges of training a therapy animal?

What are some of the challenges and rewards I faced training my miniature horse?

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